Version History
Release 0.91.3 (Nov. 15, 2009)
Bug Fixes
- general improvements for tsfromtxt
- accept datetime objects for ‘value’ positional arg in Date class
- fixes for compatibility with matplotlib 0.99.1
- fix problem with ‘%j’ directive in strftime method
- fix problem with concatenate and 2-d series
- fixed crash in reportlib.Report class when fixed_width=False and a header_row
were specified at same time
Release 0.91.2 (Aug. 23, 2009)
Bug Fixes
- fixed mov_average_expw so that the mask of the input is not modified
- adjust_endpoints : allow the input starting and ending dates to be strings
- enhancements to guess_freq function, more frequencies supported
- fixes for compatibility with matplotlib 0.99.0
Release 0.91.1 (Apr. 15, 2009)
New Features
- Calling the convert method (or the corresponding function)
with an explicit func parameter should now be faster when the function
func accepts an axis parameter.
- The functions first_unmasked_val and last_unmasked_val
now accept an optional axis parameter (with a default of None).
- The display of dates for a series with undefined frequency has been
simplified: dates are presented as integers.
- date_array function now accepts strings for start_date and end_date
Bug Fixes
- max / min methods now work for
multi-dimension TimeSeries objects
- The method fill_missing_dates (or the corresponding
function) now works with structured arrays.
- Methods and functions accepting an axis parameter should now return a
TimeSeries when possible.
Release 0.91.0 (Apr. 1, 2009)