Returns a ravelled view of the instance.
If the instance corresponds to one variable (e.g., self.varshape == ()), the result is the ravelled view of the input. Otherwise, the result is actually a TimeSeries where the series attribute is a reshaped view of the input and where the dates attribute is a ravelled view of the input dates attribute.
>>> start_date = ts.Date('M', '2001-01')
>>> dates = ts.date_array(start_date=start_date, length=4)
>>> series = ts.time_series([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dates=dates)
>>> series
[[1 2]
[3 4]],
dates =
[[Jan-2001 Feb-2001] ... [Mar-2001 Apr-2001]],
freq = M)
>>> series.ravel()
timeseries([1 2 3 4],
dates = [Jan-2001 ... Apr-2001],
freq = M)
>>> series = ts.time_series([[1, 2], [3, 4]], start_date=start_date)
>>> series
[[1 2]
[3 4]],
dates =
[Jan-2001 Feb-2001],
freq = M)
>>> series.ravel()
[[1 2]
[3 4]],
dates =
[Jan-2001 Feb-2001],
freq = M)