.. currentmodule:: scikits.timeseries.lib.reportlib .. moduleauthor:: Matt Knox .. _scikits_timeseries_report: ======= Reports ======= The :mod:`~scikits.timeseries.lib.reportlib` sub-module provides the :class:`Report` class for generating text based time series reports. The :class:`Report` class ========================= .. autoclass:: Report Examples ======== The following variables will be used throughout the examples >>> import scikits.timeseries.lib.reportlib as rl >>> ser1 = ts.time_series(np.random.uniform(-100,100,10), ... start_date=ts.now('b')-5) >>> ser2 = ts.time_series(np.random.uniform(-100,100,10), ... start_date=ts.now('b')) >>> strings = ['some string', 'another string', ... 'yet another, string', 'final string'] >>> ser3 = ts.time_series(strings, ... start_date=ts.now('b'), ... dtype=np.string_) >>> dArray = ts.date_array(start_date=ts.now('b'), length=3) Example 1: Basic report ----------------------- >>> basicReport = rl.Report(ser1, ser2, ser3) >>> basicReport() 29-Jan-2007 | -95.4554568525 | -- | -- 30-Jan-2007 | 8.58356086571 | -- | -- 31-Jan-2007 | 41.6353000447 | -- | -- 01-Feb-2007 | -70.4674570816 | -- | -- 02-Feb-2007 | 2.98803489327 | -- | -- 05-Feb-2007 | -21.6474414786 | -77.750560056 | some string 06-Feb-2007 | 84.3212422071 | 56.2238118715 | another string 07-Feb-2007 | 23.5664556686 | 64.2491772743 | yet another, string 08-Feb-2007 | 34.8778728662 | -39.4734173695 | final string 09-Feb-2007 | -64.0545308092 | -83.7175337221 | -- 12-Feb-2007 | -- | 52.4958419122 | -- 13-Feb-2007 | -- | 7.1396171176 | -- 14-Feb-2007 | -- | -57.7688749366 | -- 15-Feb-2007 | -- | 71.2844695721 | -- 16-Feb-2007 | -- | 87.1665936067 | -- Example 2: csv report for excel ------------------------------- >>> mycsv = open('mycsv.csv', 'w') >>> strfmt = lambda x: '"'+str(x)+'"' >>> fmt_func = [None, None, strfmt] >>> csvReport = rl.Report(ser1, ser2, ser3, fmt_func=fmt_func, ... mask_rep='#N/A', delim=',', ... fixed_width=False) >>> csvReport() # output to sys.stdout 29-Jan-2007,67.4086881661,#N/A,#N/A 30-Jan-2007,-78.8405461996,#N/A,#N/A 31-Jan-2007,10.0559754743,#N/A,#N/A 01-Feb-2007,-71.149716374,#N/A,#N/A 02-Feb-2007,-46.055865283,#N/A,#N/A 05-Feb-2007,35.9105419931,85.1744316431,"some string" 06-Feb-2007,2.93015788615,-87.0634270731,"another string" 07-Feb-2007,-49.0774248826,-91.4854233865,"yet another, string" 08-Feb-2007,94.8175754225,36.587114053,"final string" 09-Feb-2007,-88.9474880802,37.3563788938,#N/A 12-Feb-2007,#N/A,21.1325367724,#N/A 13-Feb-2007,#N/A,72.2437957896,#N/A 14-Feb-2007,#N/A,37.2619438419,#N/A 15-Feb-2007,#N/A,-87.1465826319,#N/A 16-Feb-2007,#N/A,63.5556895555,#N/A >>> csvReport(output=mycsv) # output to file Example 3: HTML report ---------------------- >>> numfmt = lambda x: '%.2f' % x >>> fmt_func = [numfmt, numfmt, None] >>> footer_func = [ma.sum, ma.sum, None] >>> footer_label = "Total" >>> htmlReport = rl.Report(ser1, ser2, ser3) >>> htmlReport.set_options(prefix='', ... delim='', ... postfix='') >>> htmlReport.set_options(wrap_func=rl.wrap_onspace(10,nls='
')) >>> htmlReport.set_options(fmt_func=fmt_func) >>> htmlReport.set_options(footer_label=footer_label, ... footer_func=footer_func, ... footer_char='') >>> htmlReport.set_options(dates=dArray) >>> htmlReport() # output to sys.stdout 05-Feb-2007 91.66-99.21some
string 06-Feb-2007-68.84 30.50another
string 07-Feb-2007 93.53 90.46yet
string Total 116.36 21.75 Example 4: Extra Options ------------------------ >>> basicReport = rl.Report(ser1, ser2, ser3, dates=dArray) Output report with a header ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, a line of dashes will separate the header and the first row of data. Optionally, you can specify a label for the Date column as well (so a list with four entries instead of three like this example), If you wish to get rid of the separator line, or use a different character, specify: ``header_char=''`` >>> basicReport(header_row=['col 1', 'col 2', 'col 3']) | col 1 | col 2 | col 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 06-Feb-2007 | 2.59583929443 | -96.2110139217 | some string 07-Feb-2007 | -24.1064434097 | 86.0387977626 | another string 08-Feb-2007 | -21.6432010416 | 4.83754030508 | yet another, string Change column justification for the report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can specify a single string (*'right'*, *'left'*, or *'center'*) and this will impact all columns, or you can specify a list of strings (optionally including the Date column, which is *'left'* by default) >>> basicReport(justify=['left', 'left', 'right']) 06-Feb-2007 | 2.59583929443 | -96.2110139217 | some string 07-Feb-2007 | -24.1064434097 | 86.0387977626 | another string 08-Feb-2007 | -21.6432010416 | 4.83754030508 | yet another, string Change formatting of Date column ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>> basicReport(datefmt='%d') 06 | 2.59583929443 | -96.2110139217 | some string 07 | -24.1064434097 | 86.0387977626 | another string 08 | -21.6432010416 | 4.83754030508 | yet another, string Add a separater line between each row ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>> basicReport(row_char='-') 06-Feb-2007 | 2.59583929443 | -96.2110139217 | some string ------------------------------------------------------------------- 07-Feb-2007 | -24.1064434097 | 86.0387977626 | another string ------------------------------------------------------------------- 08-Feb-2007 | -21.6432010416 | 4.83754030508 | yet another, string Report different series ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notice that the other options set remain intact (ie. dates=dArray) >>> basicReport(ser1) 06-Feb-2007 | 2.59583929443 07-Feb-2007 | -24.1064434097 08-Feb-2007 | -21.6432010416 Specify column widths ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just as in the header and justify options, you can specify a single value to affect all columns, or a list which optionally includes a specification for the Date column. Specify ``-1`` to auto-size a column >>> basicReport(col_width=[20, 20, -1]) 06-Feb-2007 | 2.59583929443 | -96.2110139217 | some string 07-Feb-2007 | -24.1064434097 | 86.0387977626 | another string 08-Feb-2007 | -21.6432010416 | 4.83754030508 | yet another, string